TereCoco is an all vegetarian, vegan and allergy friendly bakery and cake shop located in Okayama, Japan. Everything we make is free of refined sugars and hydrogenated oils, while full of whole grains or nuts or seeds and organic fruits and vegetables. Our first goal is to be delicious, and things just taste really good when you can savor that full-rounded flavor of non-processed, naturally grown foods. We also want as many people as possible to enjoy what we make and feel no one should ever be stressed over food choices or be deprived of cake, especially kids on their birthdays.
When I came to Japan almost 30 years ago as a finicky and concerned eater it wasn’t easy at first, but there are some amazing foods in Japan. Discovering that roasted soybean powder mixed with soy milk could combat peanut butter withdrawal systems was a great moment. Peanut butter was a rare breed In those days along with other things I considered staples until I started to appreciate my surroundings more and learn to improvise. I am lucky to have spent most of my Japan life in Okayama, a place literally bursting with produce. Anything can grow here; rice, flour, beans, vegetables of all varieties all the year round, fruits ranging from peaches to bananas with loads in-between. There are chestnuts and olives, small factories that cold press oil and even tiny sugar cane fields. Because of this very wide, readily available source of everything a girl needs for a vegan bakery I do try to keep things as simple, sustainable, traceable and as local as I can. I also have a thing about plastic. But mostly, I want to make inclusively delicious, natural and safe foods available to everyone, including those who are struggling to find what they crave due to special needs diets.
I hope that you contact me with any questions or concerns and I really hope TereCoco will make you smile.